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My character relates to the theme of this story because I represent the true savage and brutality of humanity. I am truly evil, which shows the true inner evil of human nature. My actions such as killing Piggy and destroying the sancastles show the inner evil and sadistic nature I have, that all humans have. 


Hello. My name is Roger. I am eleven and I come from Britain. I have black hair and fair skin. I am taller than the other boys, and I love waling on them. But I like to be quiet and keep secrets. Until my inner savage comes out. Then I become my true self. 


This song is my favorite because it talks about inner evil taking over, which is exactly what happened to me in the story. The song specifically mentions "the beast within", which is what the boys and I surrender to in the book. It also mentions an inner voice telling one to kill and hurt. That is what my inner voice tells me as well. The song's title is Inner Evil (how fitting) by Alister. You can listen by clicking the link below.

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